This plugin automatically creates new discussions based on content imported from RSS feeds. Multiple feeds can be enabled simultaneously and will be re-checked automatically based on a configurable frequency.
When i try to configure this plugin, i have this message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method FeedDiscussionsPlugin::GetPluginKey()in /homez.194/********/www/forum/plugins/FeedDiscussions/class.feeddiscussions.plugin.php on line 112
line 112 : $Sender->Title($this->GetPluginKey('Name'));
@baje i'm not sure what's happening with your plugin right now.
I can clearly see the method defined here in Gdn_Plugin (library/core/class.plugin.php): /**
* Get a specific keyvalue from the plugin info array
* @param string $Key Name of the key whose value you wish to retrieve
* @param mixed $Default Optional value to return if the key cannot be found
* @return mixed value of the provided key
public function GetPluginKey($Key, $Default = NULL) {
return GetValue($Key, Gdn::PluginManager()->GetPluginInfo(get_class($this), Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME), $Default);
And it is made available here in FeedDiscussionsPlugin (plugins/FeedDiscussions/class.feeddiscussions.plugin.php): class FeedDiscussionsPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
wait, ive found the issue. I am able to delete rss feeds, i was testing adding a direct link to a post of a blog, not the rss link. I am unable to delete these. Does that make since?
Really cool plugin! These are all posted in the same category and by the same user (admin) is there any way to change this? It would be nice if different sources could have different accounts.
Really cool plugin! These are all posted in the same category and by the same user (admin) is there any way to change this? It would be nice if different sources could have different accounts.
Sure, we have plans for things like that in the future, but this was a V1/beta release to see what people thought.
It's working fine for me (plugin v. 0.9 / forum v. 2.0.9). I tested it out using a twitter feed, so it takes the tweet and uses it as the title of the post, uses the same thing as the content, and posts to the forum under the first default category that's available. Gonna explore this a little further, I think it could have some potential (ie. creating discussion around tweets).
Also going to set it up so that my blog posts are fed into discussions so that people in the forum can comment on the posts that way... it would be nice if we could pick what category the feed is posted under, but I guess we can wait for that
When i try to configure this plugin, i have this message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method FeedDiscussionsPlugin::GetPluginKey()in /homez.194/********/www/forum/plugins/FeedDiscussions/class.feeddiscussions.plugin.php on line 112
line 112 : $Sender->Title($this->GetPluginKey('Name'));
I use vanilla 2.0.7
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
How i can check that ?
Obviously it doesn't / can't send the vanilla comments back to the source.
But yeah, you can discuss things in the forum that happen elsewhere.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
I can clearly see the method defined here in Gdn_Plugin (library/core/class.plugin.php):
/** * Get a specific keyvalue from the plugin info array * * @param string $Key Name of the key whose value you wish to retrieve * @param mixed $Default Optional value to return if the key cannot be found * @return mixed value of the provided key */ public function GetPluginKey($Key, $Default = NULL) { return GetValue($Key, Gdn::PluginManager()->GetPluginInfo(get_class($this), Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME), $Default); }
And it is made available here in FeedDiscussionsPlugin (plugins/FeedDiscussions/class.feeddiscussions.plugin.php):
class FeedDiscussionsPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
By all rights it should work (and does, for me).
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
2.0.7 => 2.0.9
Just work great now.
A manually update feed is planned ? And choice for category discussion creation ?
Error message, expected behavior, observed behavior... ?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
wait, ive found the issue. I am able to delete rss feeds, i was testing adding a direct link to a post of a blog, not the rss link. I am unable to delete these. Does that make since?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Any clue?
Also going to set it up so that my blog posts are fed into discussions so that people in the forum can comment on the posts that way... it would be nice if we could pick what category the feed is posted under, but I guess we can wait for that