Not working at all?

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I can't seem to get this plugin to do anything. It's probably a silly mistake on my part, but it seems to not even be loading. I did enable it in I enabled it. I tried adding die('test'); at the start of format, just to make sure, but it doesn't get hit.

One clue: everything is HTML encoded. I'm guessing that some internal sanitization system is getting used and HtmlPurifier is getting skipped?

The HTMLawed plugin works, and I'm not sure what makes this one different.


  • I found the problem. The package uses HtmlPurifier as the directory name for the plugin, but the plugin identifies itself as HTMLPurifier. The difference in case causes the plugin to never actually get loaded on case sensitive systems (like a standard Linux server.)

    Could you fix the case in the download?
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