Import Vanilla Users into Wordpress... Then SSO?

leogopalleogopal New
edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi there, I have an already functional vanilla forum for my website which I am now adding a wordpress main site to, but the main site has members only content, therefore I would like SSO for the forum and wordpress...

Here is the problem, My wordpress only has me as the user and my vanilla has over 3000 members... I want to:

1. Transfer the Vanilla Members onto wordpress... (once-off)
2. Integrate Vanilla and Wordpress

Can anyone help? Sounds like a fun enough project...


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Sounds like you want Wordpress to use Vanilla as the auth provider. I've addressed this before and the result was the it is Wordpress' job to make an OAuth provider plugin for their platform. I hear this is coming in the future, but is not available right now.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Hi there @Tim,

    I know, though... what I would like to do it Transfer the members from vanilla accross to wp and then use wp and the auth provider, make sense?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Sure. So you need to export the GDN_User table and modify it to fit into a wordpress user table somehow. We don't have anything that does that job.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • is there a way I could do this manually tho?

    I had seen something where someone accomplished this with vanilla 1.1.10... not sure about 2.0.9
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Well I meant you could do it manually.

    You'd export a raw dump of the SQL of the GDN_User table, and then rename columns, add/remove columns, and munge the data in your rows until its something that satisfies the wordpress user table format.

    That one paragraph implies a LOT of work though, and it would probably be easier if you wrote a script to parse the SQL output.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Hard work... o.O ...@Tim If I succeed I will document it and post it here :)
  • @leogopal

    What if you override WordPress' login functions? Check out

    You could make get_userdata() and the other functions to retrieve directly the vanilla user's information.
  • I Did it,

    I basically created a wordpress plugin that can import users in mass,
    exported the vanilla user tables as csv for excel, opened it in excel and then removed all the unwanted data, and then formatted it in the way of:


    Then made it a text file and then imported it using my plugin,

    Only thing is it sends an email to all the users saying they have new passwords which is what I had set for then in the password field, but it works, all the users are now in wordpress so I can now use proxyconnect... which I needa figure out :{

    Anyone wants the plugin script just ask me :)

    Eternal Smiles,
    Leo Gopal
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