The Mac mini is hot...

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Man, I really wish I would have not spent $600 on a PC back in June and would've gotten a Mac mini instead. They are just so nice and they are Macs which is always a plus.

* sad face *


  • Don't worry too much. Save your money up and then you can get one of the new intel ones when they come out :)

    Also, they're apparently doing a Media Centre style version of them. Could be interesting.
  • Yeah, at this point I'll definitely wait for the Intel ones. I had never actually seen one in person until the other night. I was just amazed by how small that thing was. I expected it to be only slightly smaller than your average lay-on-its-side desktop, but it was so small!
  • edited December 2005
    The only amazing thing about this is the sheer amount of time it took Stevo to get off his idiotic anti-TV highhorse. Assuming the rumors are true, of course.
  • You guys got any links for these "media center" minis?
  • edited December 2005 Taken with an enormous grain of salt, since any insider with even an ounce of sense would avoid ThinkSecret by a huge radius.
  • As Bergamot said, take it with a grain of salt.
    I'm choosing to believe it however :D
  • This is the same site that predicted OLED ipods in January 2004.
  • hahahahahhahaha
  • I'm holding off on any computer purchases 'till late 2006. Lots of changes going on in the computer world, with Macs going Intel (insert intel sfx) and Longhorde... err, Longhorn coming out. Maybe. It should be an interesting year.
  • I didn't think you were joking Bergamot. I just thought that was funny :)
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