about the registration setting

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I want to set the register rule both open register and invitation.

How to come true it?


  • i've requested this in the past also, i like the invitation method but still want to allow for open registrations
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    This is one of the features that is near the top of list of "things to do" in Vanilla 2. We're thinking of structuring it somewhat like Facebook's friend invite system, whereby you can enter a list of email addresses you'd like to invite to your forum, and those people receive invitations to join the forum.

    This feature would be independant of the registration setting, thereby allowing you to implement both methods: walk-in registration and invitational.

    Does that sound like it would satisfy your needs?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • generally speaking, sounds great.
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