CSS Overrides

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Who here thinks having CSS overrides would be cool. Something like that over on yayhooray.


  • What do you mean by CSS overrides?
  • edited December 2005
    I mean...

    Jim, the owner of a community has created a style and set it as default and everybody loves it. However one use, Billy, he doesn't like the sidebar and wishes he could remove it. He makes a plea to Jimmy to remove it. But Jimmy says "No I can't change it just for you Billy, why not use the CSS Overrides?"

    "CSS Overrides, what's that?" Billy wonders.
    Jimmy proceeds to tell him, "Why I'm glad you asked. If you visit your Account and Select Change Stylesheet, right at the bottom you'll see a little box that'll allow you to enter specific CSS codes that will in effect override any that's present within the main style sheet"
    "You mean I can remove the sidebar with simply CSS?" Billy's eyes light up.
    "You sure can son." Jimmy replies.
    "Gee whiz. Or as my friend Tony would say, 'that's great!'" Billy runs off to remove that pesky sidebar.
  • edited December 2005
    Or, just give each forum a unique id that gets used as the BODY element's "id" attribute. Then users can edit their browser's stylesheet without it affecting other sites. http://www.juicystudio.com/article/css-selectors.php
  • For that to work Bergamot, you must assume that everybody uses FireFox.
  • edited December 2005
    IE has the option to format pages with a custom stylesheet. Tools>>Internet Options>>Accessibility I do not know whether that is applied before or after the page's sheet, but that should be able to be worked around with !important
  • Safari also has user-editable stylesheets.
  • Well, technically, Vanilla does offer the user CSS over-rides :) Just use your own css file :)
  • What if I only put a select few of the CSS attributes into the OWN CSS FILE, what happens to all other CSS markup then, does it become unstyled?
  • well, then you're screwed :D I see the point, but I just don't see this being a necessary core feature, I would say let it be an extension rather than something that works out of the box.
  • The main point being, anyone who has enough understanding of CSS to do anything useful with overrides has plenty of other options open, the easiest being making his own style.
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