Running on localhost

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm sure you've all managed to get it running on localhost, but how?

Pretty sure I must have missed something, but I'm not sure what to change.

Getting errors like;
Warning: include(C:\Server\htdocs\fex\appg/../conf/settings.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Server\htdocs\fex\appg\settings.php on line 199


  • Obviously it has something to do with forward vs. backward slashes. Not sure if that's your fault or vanilla's but open up appg/settings.php and change any paths to use backward slashes.
  • On the contrary, it looks to me like the problem is that he's using backslashes, which are being mixed with forward slashes in the include path and causing difficulty. I've always used forward slashes in PHP and they've worked fine with Windows.
  • I only suggested backward slashes because PHP referenced the file in error with backward slashes. However, aanand's comments do make sense, so change them all to forward slashes and see what happens.
  • Did you rename conf/settings-dist.php to settings.php yet?
  • SirNot, no I hadn't. I'm not entirely sure what the conf directory is for. However I've edited what's in there.

    Removed all the errors that are coming up, now when trying to login I get this bug;

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while validating your credentials. Affected Elements UserManager.ValidateUserCredentials();

    I believe the details should have been Admin/admin which I used to login.
  • Is this 9.3? You need to do what SirNot said, and the login would be Admin, pwd=Admin, case sensitive. The Admin user is only there if you used vanilla.sql.
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