Download extended Avatar uploader (Real Image-Resizer with GD2 + Easy Configuration)

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi guys, I extended the Avatar Uploader to my needs and it now features a PHP GD2 Image resize script that really resizes uploaded avatar pictures. from over 1000 px width to 280px for example. if any of you is interested i'll clean up the code and put it in the wiki. (to see it working, check out a profile page at best regards, nader


  • nice! any chance you would be willing to get this going for those of us without gdlib installed using some alternate gd libs?
  • Hey nader, please do release it. This is awesome!

    BTW, I love the style you've created!
  • Nice work, but I have the feeling that ideally, avatar uploading and image resizing should be done in separate extensions (so that admins have the option of letting people specify an external image and then automatically serving a local, cached, resized copy of it). That way, the image-resizing/caching extension could also be used to make sure that people don't post pictures which are huge and break the page (by resizing anything above a specified limit). Anyway, just chucking that out there.
  • i see what you mean but i'm for a separate extension for that. it's kind of another concept and too geeky for my forum users. i think it's best and easiest from a usability perspective, that users just choose a pic, upload, done. nothing nerdy like copy+pasting an url or using another extension where they have to click again or so, with a picture that might disappear sometime, etc. then you would also have to check if the users has changed the iconpath on the forum preferences, etc. only then resize it.... too complicated for me :-) best regards, nader
  • edited December 2005
    I put the extension online.

    You can download it here:
  • I wish GD2 would resize animated gifs without butchering the animation...
  • how to remove this extension?
  • how long has that guest account been there? Why have i never seen it used before?
  • don't know how long ;) but can anybody help me? when i am disabling the extension in the preferences the picture stays in the user profile page.
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