It took long enough but boy howdy..

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I go out and assume that as somewhat internet professionals (teehee) you all know already everything there is to know about Adobe and Macromedia deal. Well, it was long before anything concrete would come from it and it actually starts to look like name Macromedia won't survive like I expected before. Go to and cry your eyeballs off from your sockets. It's not necessarily a bad thing, since Adobe is a steady giant but Macromedia is the innovator. So this combines best from both worlds.


  • /me lets out a sob Here's hoping Adobe don't fuck up any of the software that I use on a daily basis.
  • If they can fuck up photoshop, they can fuck up a whole lot more! Actionscript will fall back into the dark ages next release, otherwise there won't be another MM program release for quite some time.
  • It seems rather obvious that big company reaching for higher profits doesn't see the active development and resources necessary for programs it already has, and these are Dreamweaver (GoLive) Fireworks (Photoshop/ImageReady) Freehand (InDesign/Illustrator) but other than that I believe Adobe is smart enough to give Macromedia staff the freedom to work on their propietary technology and control it the way they want.
  • I hope we are all pleasently surprised with what Adobe does to/with Macromedia in the coming months. I was on a conference call yesterday with Adobe on the specifics of how we will handle transfering the Macromedia name/logo/branding over to simply Adobe. They also got into some of the logistics and plans for the future and I think we will all be pretty happy in the end.
  • edited December 2005

    Best Box Design EVAR

    I wish that was a parody...

    The *one* good thing about this merger is that Adobe might be smart enough to kill off Macromedia Director.
  • Director is still good for some masterful applications, which flash has still not yet been able to reach fully. While both play well together, it would just be extra sweet if they found a way to just merge the best of both into one product. And yeah, that box design makes me want to chokeslam someone over at adobe.
  • edited December 2005
    Well my hope is that the death of Director leads to the rebirth of the central director *ideas* in a modern, hardware-accelerated, antialiased, solid, UI-cruft-free new app. This is probably a long shot, though.
  • Is that box design real or just a promo? If it's real, that's mad fugly.
  • edited December 2005
    It's the picture from
  • wow... I don't think they could have been less creative.
  • They may be ugly, but they needed to keep the brand recognition. As web designers we should also know the marketing side of things don'tcha think? :D
  • Yeah, but they definitely could've worked the two brands together with a little less fuglyness. For example, I don' t know whether it would look good or not, but using the Macromedia gradient as a mask for the Adobe "leaves" and then throwing the flash logo on one of them would be a very easy way to integrate the two and I came up with that in less than 30 seconds. I think to accomplish nothing in the way of integrating them other than throwing both box designs onto one required an effort to not do anything creative, to tell you the truth.
  • But they are not mixed bags, they are two different bundles from two different developers, so they can't mix them. In the future, the Macromedia branding will fly out the window and the products are integrated to the Adobe family like and then they'll just use the Creative suite logo.
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