Translations of documentation and bug report form

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all! I've been trying to translate Vanilla to Swedish (mostly for personal use, atleast for now) and while doing so I've made some observations. One of them is that there should be a translated version of the Vanilla documentation, if not on the website, atleast in connection to the forum and atleast for the users. Perhaps add a Help section to Vanilla? Also, the bug report form, if translated, should it not state that the reports should be written in English rather than the localized language? Perhaps the bug reports should be directed to the administrator of the forum in this or that language, and then forwarded in English to Lussumo? Silly questions perhaps, but I thought this might be of interest.


  • While translated documentation would be a major bonus, it is a LOT more work than a 'simple' vanilla translation which is why there arent any (aside from the fact that vanilla is still changing rapidly and thus so is it's documentation, which would render parts of the work done useless) If, however, you'd like to volunteer to perform a translation of the documentation i'm sure mark and the rest of the community would be most pleased to see it done and extremely grateful! The second question is rather interesting though - havent seen or thought of that before.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The bug report form is gone as of 0.9.3
  • Thanks for your replies, Minisweeper and Mark.

    Okay, we can disregard the bug report form in the new version. However, I was thinking that the Help section could simply include a translation of the vanilla:users page in the Lussumo Documentation and that it would somehow be integrated to the application. How difficult would that be to implement?
  • One way to do it would be to make the documentation link a settings (possibly even in the language file) so if you were translating any documentation you could change the link and any forums running that language would autolink to the correct translation of the relative information. Actually including the information into vanilla itself is a little redundant as that makes the necessary updating a much more difficult process (not to mention unnecessarily bloating the forum download/footprint).
  • Yes, a common place for translated documentation is probably the best solution. If this ever becomes a reality I could do the Swedish translation.
  • Is there anybody "officially" in charge of the Swedish translation? I'd love to see a translation :-) and also help with the job. This means that we have to coordinate this job and also iron out a "suitable" language that makes sense to non-nerds!
  • @dippe: I've been working on a Swedish translation of version for my personal use (mainly testing on my local server). As soon as version 0.9.3 is released I'll do the necessary translations for it. I haven't made any plans of making it public, though, but maybe I will.
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