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Their is a forum that keeps on crashing powered by vanilla

edited October 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
click here(a link to the forum) please, I was hoping it could be fixed somehow?


  • nobody's going to be able to help with you with the amount of info that you've provided
  • What do you mean, what else am I going to post?
  • Really, what else is their to post, I mean I gave the link and said what is going do I need to post my favorite band!?
  • First of all, what type of Vanilla are you using, what plugins do you have enabled and what do you mean by "crashing" ? In what way does it crash?

  • It goes down and it doesn't load, the error message says the loading time is r=taking to long (or something like that). I don't know the plan, its not my forum, but the admin said he pays 29.99 a month.
  • Oki, looking at your forum, I get this:

    Vanilla 1.1, plugins - ??

    crashing might occur from anything. Until you are able to narrow it down or come up with a better explanation of what happens, we can't help you. "Something like that" isn't specific.
  • Also, what is with the pricing plan?? :O

  • I posted or something like that because i wasn't sure of the exact message, can i post screenshots on this forum?
  • I don't think you know what your doing and it doesn't sound like you installed the forum yourself so how can you possibly begin to diagnose and/or fix it?
  • ... I knw I way how, IF SOMEONE HELPS ME!
  • DavyBDavyB New
    edited October 2010
    @LPG page loading taking too long is usually a problem between you, your own internet connection and the servers connection and the configuration of you browser.

    Most people round here are more interested in the 6 or so months only Vanilla 2 rather than the five year old Vanilla 1. True most of us have the experience in V1
    Is your ISP throttling you ?

    The front page loads very fast for me.
  • It doesn't lad at all sometimes for me, and other members on the forum, including the creator, have said it has done this to them also. Thank you for the information.
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