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ie problem, cursor flicker!!!

edited October 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
when i logined, and input something in textarea, cursor is flicking from to arrow to Vertical bar all the when i inputing. this is bad feeling for user.
please deal with it! I hope vanillaforums better and better! my broswer is ie 6.


  • SCREW IE6, its a *MAJOR* security hazard !!!
    get a better browser anything *except* IE

    if it has to be a standards NON-Compiiant single platform piece of "$h1t" browser such as Internet Exolorer (*SPIT*) because of your blind corporate beancounters, at least use IE8 or an IE9 beta
  • I agree with @DavyB , but you should be aware of Firefox / Chrome / Opera opportunities which are standard compliant. Still, if you find feature X to be found only in IE 6, let me know. Other reasons not to switch are: corporate stupidity, uninformed users, dependability on ActiveX. Let's not make this a hate thread.

    @abrody -- i am not sure there are people on this forum using IE, especially version 6. Even Microsoft said it will no longer maintain v6, if I remember well. Try upgrading to Firefox / Chrome / Opera / IE 8 / 9 Beta if possible and let us know if we can help you then.

  • So you sometimes get the double post problem as well, I have had it happen before but when I was re-editing a post, it just got kind of non responsive, I hid it by deleting the early part of the 2nd post and continued my thoughts in the second post.

    I was never intending to make this a MS hate post, after all I was programming on Mainframes, DEC-10, Vax-11, PDP-11 and other machines before MS or Apple were founded. ;)
  • I get the double post problem because somehow, I clicked the Post Answer, request was sent, no reply back. So, I clicked again...
  • DavyBDavyB New
    edited October 2010
    I think I noticed you were using an email from a German University, I'm in the UK. this double posting could be down to latency of accessing (via Java either jScript or jQuery) transatlantic servers (en-CA) and (en-US) - I'll use locales rather than country codes since most of .us uses .com etc :(
    It occurs for me on other sites especially when accessing West Coast US/CA servers
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    We don't really support IE6. We try to be aware of how the site works in IE, but we don't got to any great lengths to ensure a "good" user experience. The browser is 2 major versions old already.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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