new vanilla forum

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Wow, cssbeauty is not just any site. This is a very nice reference for vanilla.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited December 2005
    Coolio. Finally a decent forum for css-heads
  • d'oh! temporarilly slapped with the hosting stick. :(
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited December 2005
    ouch! not good timing... but a good sign all in all...
  • Looks like the digg effect hit you.
  • edited December 2005
    yeah, the digg traffic hosed him. many times more than (where he's still #1 in the most popular links). anybody know any nice business that might want to offer a dude some free high-traffic hosting? (so much for feeling all l33t as a moderator on that one.)
  • might?
  • edited December 2005
    Allthough not free, I believe is very useful for combating the slashdot/digg effect.

    From their FAQ:

    47. What happens if I get slashdotted?

    A "major slashdotting" of a site hosted on our service will cost you (on average) about $10, one time. The best part about that is that as soon as it's over, your costs go back to normal. There's no higher-tier pricing to get permanently pushed into, and we won't cancel you for having something to say that people actually want to hear.

    This happens to one of our members about once a week, so you can bet we know how to handle it. Or rather, our systems do. Our load-adaptive clustering technology is at its best when handling demand surges, and our pricing is at its best when you'd prefer not to be billed like that the rest of the time.
    Never used the service myself, but is on my todo list.
  • How much bandwidth is this thing shifting? I'd be seriously interested in doing it for a shameless plug. Anything that might drag customers in would be a bonus.
  • Why not mail the guy and propose? I believe is the guy responsible for the site.
  • done and done.
  • where do you work mini?
  • I'm setting up my own hosting company (shared between me and chrissy who's sometimes around here). I announced it on here a bit a week or so ago.
  • yeah, let me know how much data you are pushing atm :)
  • I'm also having trouble reaching the wordpress codex and matt's site as well (they're probably on the same server), but surprisingly not :(
  • Wordpress codex down!? Jeeeez!
  • How much bandwidth is this thing shifting?

    as of sometime early afternoon alex said he had gotten something like 10000 hits from digg and another 1500+ from delicious. That many hits times X number of mysql queries = his angrypants host situation.
  • Wordpress codex down!? Jeeeez!

    i was just on there like a half hour ago. worked peachy for me. *shrug*
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