Flash header



  • Okay, I have figured most of the css that controls the different parts of the page, but I can't find a few of them. Maybe you guys can help. Here is my site again: http://community.greenzones.org/forums I am looking to bring the | not signed in (Sign In) / Sign Out link down to the space just above the main navigation. And change the color to white. Here is a photoshop image of what I am trying to do. http://community.greenzones.org/forums/forum-signin-link.jpg Right now I can't find what css controls where this link positioned. I also can't find the controls for the positions of the bottom links. Also one last css problem. There is a white space above the forum tabs. Where is that in the css. I would like to change the color to match the top navigation.
  • Under the current version, While not impossible, it wouldn't be easy to move the signed in/out link up to the top like you're asking. But it's all within the CSS (sorry I totally forgot the attribute names) if you look hard enough. One way to do it is basically match the color and search the style sheet for that color in question.
  • Any other suggestions? Still looking for the css controls for the sign in / out and the bottom tags.
  • if you mean "bottom" as in the footer, those are pretty easily grouped and labled :) you do know that you can simply view source, and do a quick search for the class in question, right? :)
  • Thanks, no I didn't realize that. I found them.
  • edited February 2006
    Mark and Everyone, Thank you for all your help and the extension. I was able to setup a series of forums for the different main topics we are going to cover. Here is a link to the forums. http://gliving.tv/forums/ We are in the process of splitting the forums into individual forums to cover each subject. To be able to do this within one forum with a shared member base would be great. Right now we are going to have to require people to individual sign up for each forum
  • (suggest you make a new thread for this but it should be much easier in v1)
  • GreenMonkey, I was just wondering if you would mind packaging up your stylesheet for the rest of the community. I'm a newbie to CSS, so I don't have enough knowhow to duplicate what you have, but it's exactly what I'm looking for. I don't care about the flash, just the style and layout. i'd love to have the html page too, if at all possible.
  • Hey, guys... just added the header extension to my forum, which is using the root dark style. I'm trying to move the menu tabs under the header it just created, but I'm having problems. Here's what it looks like: http://www.evilprimate.com/forum/ (header's not finished, I want to make sure I can get this working first) Can anyone help me out? I know this should be easy, but I'm not very experienced with all this stuff.
  • edited February 2006
    I'm not entirely sure, but I think you can change
    #MenuForum { display: block; position: absolute; list-style: none; top: 0px; left: 36px; width: 90%; /* f***-*** safari at it again */ border-top: 2px solid #444; padding: 2px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }to#MenuForum { display: block; list-style: none; border-top: 2px solid #444; padding: 2px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }

    Oh, and quit it with the image slicing and table-based nav menu :D
  • About packaging up the forums for everyone else. Sure, I will zip them up and put a link on this forum. I am a new to css and really all of this, so I just kind of hack my way thru it all and look for help.
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