Version 0.1.1 Released

edited October 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Slowly working through the known issues:

The "Reply" button can be clicked multiple times, bringing up a new comment
form each time. The button needs to be disabled, or at least to not attempt
to pull up a new form if one is already present (should be easy enough in jQuery).
Clicking the edit button more than once toggles between a form and the original
post. It would make sense to take the same approach for usability.
[FIXED 0.1.1]


  • I'd love a version of this addon that keeps the default structured layout (instead of converting it to threaded), but that makes a comment form display directly underneath the post you click "Reply" to.

    That way you don't have to constantly scroll up and down to refer to the post you're replying to like you do by default (since the comment form is at the bottom of the discussion page), because the comment you're replying to is right above the reply form.
  • judgejjudgej
    edited October 2010
    I'm sure if all you want to do is pop up comment forms where-ever you like, but still have the posted comment appear at the end of the discussion (on its last page) instead of immediately after the comment you are replying to, then that would be simple enough to do. There is code in this plugin that handles the fetching of the form, and I have (hopefully) commented it well, so should be easy to adapt.

    There was a plugin that did that in vanilla 1, which happened to be a step worse than this - the comment form in v1 only appeared on the last page of a discussion, so you could be replying to a comment that was several pages back.
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