Problem with "Save" function and mp3

remoukremouk New
edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

As the topic says, I have a little problem using the "Save" link to download mp3s : it cuts the end of the music (!). Clicking on the filename to download the file directly works nicely, that's why I don't understand. You can test it here. There are problems with whitespaces in filenames, too.

Sorry if my english is not that good, and thanks for any answer !


  • The music file sounds perfectly fine for me, it could be the connection between you and your server, or possible the music player you're using to listen to the music.
  • remoukremouk New
    edited December 2005
    Well, you're the first person without any problem. :) Are you sure that something like 3 seconds are not missing at the end of the track? Did you download using the "Save" button? Some friends encounter the same problem, it can't be the connection between me and the server, and I listened through Foobar and WinAMP. ;)
  • flush your cache and try again, you could have also done an incomplete upload as well.
  • Upload is complete and downloading via the direct url works. I already flushed cache, and I'm not the only one having this issue. Strange. :)
  • Are the friends geographically local to you and/or on the same ISP? Could be an isp [transparent] cache or proxy...
  • remoukremouk New
    edited December 2005
    Did you try? :) (There is a link in my first post)
  • Yeah - as far as i can tell it's alright. It seems to fade out and whatnot.
  • Well, this is so strange that I will hide this button ! Thanks for your time.
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