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PHP syntax highlighting added to Enhanced BBCode

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
To whomever is interested (developers most likely), I have added an extension that is a PHPCode expansion to the "Enhanced BBCode". This extension simply adds the ability of using [php] tags to show syntax highlighting of code blocks. It also adjusts the existing [code] tags to allow for some display discrepencies. Please let me know if you see any issues or let me know any input (positive or negative) if you try it out! You can use it as its own extension (PHPCode), or you can replace your BBCode extension and it adds the PHPCode functionality to it. Thanks for any input for improvement!


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    Cool... [php] is good for actionscript too!

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    lechlech Chicagoland
    or just about any other code which needs some highlighting :)
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    cool... i hope it's useful enough for other people, too!
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    Iam dreaming of latex.. well not _that_ latex :-D -> [latex][/latex] ^^
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    i'm going to show my ignorance... what would [latex] tags be used for?
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    Typesetting, mainly.
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    so, is there a specific syntax or typical color scheme? if somone can give me a resource, i'd be happy to work on a mod for it.
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