Download/Useage Stats

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Always something i'm interested in. Someones question on scalability just prompted me to wonder how vanilla was doing userbase wise. Googling for "Lussumo Vanilla Copyright © 2001-2005" suggests 590 results so ~500 (possibly optomistic?) active (closed) forums. Googling for open ones is a little more difficult with version changes and whatnot but "Lussumo Vanilla (0.9.2.?) Copyright © 2001-2005" (any better terms? i'm not a googlexpert) suggests 7740. Can anyone dig any more accurate figures from anywhere? How are we doing download-wise mark? Just curious to see how the babies growing...


  • "Lussumo Vanilla (0.9.2.?) Copyright © 2001-2005" gives me 21 real results
  • I just did a search for "Lussumo Vanilla (0.9." and it returned 139 results, and I am willing to bet more people are using Vanilla as a private rather than public forum more than anything. Otherwise people have edited up the files enough to disguise what it is that they're actually running. Else just not linking it for crawlers to locate. Given time, not that it matters at the moment, Vanilla will rise up there as a solid alternative.
  • I think pretty many are using it. Myseflf, I haven't opened the forum, therefore it hasn't been indexed. But that's still another one. How many have downloaded doesn't necessarily mean how many who use it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    vanilla 0.9.081
    vanilla 0.9.12872
    vanilla 0.9.29411
  • Nice, that's pretty many! Wonder who was the first :P
  • I wonder where on that chart was the link from Kottke.
  • my guess, between .5 and .6, there was a slight decline due to like the 4 step bump in the course of a week there if i recall correctly.
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