UTF8 help me please

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello, i'm new to this forum thing. i don't know much and i have a problem that i cant find an answer in these pages.
i installed vanilla and wow skin. then i made English.php a utf8 file.
But then i got an error which says:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/m/e/t/metruk/htdocs/languages/English.php:1) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/m/e/t/metruk/htdocs/controls/signin.php on line 58

what is this i don't know. its my 3rd day in php. can anybody help me?


  • Maybe you left a space somewhere in your file while modifying. eg on english.php in line 1.
  • thanks. i never thought that. i am lookin'
  • no :( it's not that. because i never edited the original english.php. i only saved it as utf8.
  • edited December 2005
    and if there is no solution to this how can i prevent these header error messages to come. because when i get the error code if i refresh the page it is straightened and normal again.
  • Maybe the saving in utf8 caused a spacing? Usually such error is given when a space or any other output is send before eg a cookie is set or so (the headers). So I can only advice you to triple check the file for spaces that shouldn't be there. Maybe other people have other ideas.
  • you must be right. its 3 byte bigger than the original file.
  • edited December 2005
    Lol.. you are really right! it doesn't match. but i can't see it on notepad. i used a comparer program and it found a difference at line1 like this: <?php this is original and <?php and this is when i saved as utf8... but like i said before i cant see the first three characters in notepad so i cant delete them.. so what should i do?
  • Try another program. :) Maybe wordpad does it.
  • no, it doesn't... and i think these three hidden chararacters are in every utf8 type php files. so they can't be deleted. but then whats the problem again.. i m losing my hope..i think i basicly wont use different characters for the forum.. thnx anyway jos..
  • Download Notepad++ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm Open up the file. Format > Encode in ANSI, then Check UTF-8 without BOM. The BOM is your problem.
  • restore the original files maybe?
  • When he takes the original file an encodes in UTF-8 it includes a byt order mark at the beginning of certain characters. To get rid of it he just needs to encode in UTF w/o BOM.
  • yeah with notepad++ utf w/o bom solved my problem thanks very much :)
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