How to change forum language?

edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I recently have installed vanilla v2.0.14, i want to change default language to Turkish. i want to show you the turkish language pack structure.


As far as i know, i need to create tr-TR folder in locales folder along side with skeleton folder on host or on server. And i should put that definitions.php into the tr-TR folder with the file permission of 755.

Should i replace locale.php in conf folder of vanilla installation with turkish one?
I read some FAQ and i didn't see anything about changing locale.php!

Secondly, if i replace locale.php, language changes. there is also translations in locale.php, i thought cutting and pasting those translations into definitions.php would work but nothing has happened. why?

Could you simply tell me what should i do to change my forum language? There isn't any FAQ or forum topic about this.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    edited November 2010
    There is a help topic on localization here:

    A few of things to note:
    1. Make sure the folder name is not tr-TR, but some other string like "turkish" because the dash in the name will not work.
    2. Make sure you add your $LocaleInfo array to your locale pack.
    3. The help topic has a section called Enabling a Locale Pack on Your Site.
  • I used tr-TR because the content of plugin archive has that folder.

  • Hi,

    I trasnlated change.php into Turkish just a little bit, but still most of it is in English. Then i did everything you mentioned above.

    I renamed folder to turk, i enabled it in addons ->locales, i edited conf.php, i edited change.php to definitions.php and put it under turk folder in locales.

    But translated strings didn't changed.

    I really don't understand it.
  • Hi,
    i have the same language pack as medicus,


    Please, can somebody explain, where i should replace these 2 .php files.

    please explain like "copy your locale.php file in ...... folder. then go to .... and make .... . after this copy your definitions.php file in ..... folder..."

    thank you
  • locales/turkish/definitions.php
  • i use vanilla-2.0.15 how can i translate it ?
    i have got definitions.php (Turkish).
    Please help
  • Turkish language pack yet?

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