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Emotify + CLEditor = nonfunctional

edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm not sure if this is more a problem with CLEditor or with the Emotify plugin.

When adding an emoticon, while using CLEditor, the editor becomes non-functional. Everything becomes disabled until you click 'show source' and then click the button again. However, the entire editor becomes very buggy. I'm not sure how to explain it, so it would do good to try it out on a testing environment.

I'm running the latest stable release of Chrome, if that matters. I'm also using a fresh Vanilla install (obviously with CLEditor and Emotify enabled).


  • edited November 2010
    This isn't an answer, I'm afraid, but a 'me too'.

    What happens is I can't get emoticons to appear when I have CLEditor enabled. I don't suffer any problems with CLEditor when it is enabled, just the lack of emoticons.

    This happens on a fresh Vanilla install, viewed with Safari 5.0.2 on Mac OS 10.5.8
  • MVP
    edited November 2010
    Hi all,

    I experienced the same. Please check this 2 points:

    1.) Clean "Emoticons" plugin from your plugin directory. Be Sure "Emotify" is instaleld and enabled. I still had the problem but number 2. helped me.

    2.) Go to your config file and check if there is a line "$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['EmoticonsPlugin'] = 'Emoticons';"

    If so, delete this line and the Emotify-Plugin should work.

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  • Sorry, I missed this months ago. The problem righted itself and I never checked back to this thread.

    Thanks @phreak. And sorry for my unintended rudeness.
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