Something to show that you've replied to a topic.

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It would be kinda cool if there was a way to see if you've replied to a thread - say like a green little corner in the bottom of the thread link box. Has this been brought up?


  • Could be done as an extension. I dont think it's been suggested before. Highly doubt it would be going into the core though cause (i think?) it'd add quite a bit of work to the discussion listing query so not ideal for larger sites.
  • yes, I think for larger sites this would be one of those things that could possibly topple usability and but an extraordinary strain on the DB if applied improperly. However, I do like the sound of this as a possible extension for smaller forums that don't eat up too much traffic. I suggest maybe an indexed array of thread numbers that have been replied to checked against currently viewed threads in the discussion list. It could work...
  • edited December 2005
    The query modification would be no more intensive than the one that currently handles whispers... If you made a User_Discussion cross reference table it would go even faster.
  • I would probably definately use this extension. There is the "Your Discussions" sidebar, and the "History" sidebar, I wouldnt think it would cause a speed hit, its basically the same thing as those, isnt it?
  • probably definately? Is that even possible? Not quite the same, no. I dont think. And again, theyre not enabled by default so larger forums which feel the hit can turn them off :)
  • Massive forums like the PlayStation forums have this feature.
  • I can say with virtual certainty that vBulletin has it too.
  • after using things like IPB, though, i find it much more useful to simply have the existing feature of "read" and "unread" posts. when you can list discussions by the most recent comments, that's really all someone would need, IMHO. i agree that it would be a neat little addition, but most people would have an idea of where they've posted, i would hope.
  • Just as a pointer, if you were the last person to post in the thread it will say so. And if not, chances are there's something you still havent replied to. So in a way it's already covered even though this isnt *quite* what youre going for.
  • Couldn't this be done with editing of the history sidebar?

    It only adds to that if you've replied type thing.
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