Decisions, Decisions

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So today for no reason whatsoever i decided to take a browse round the storm watches website. None particularly inspired me so i went on the hunt for a binary watch (after seeing a binary clock a while ago). I followed a path to tokyo flash and browsed round. I dunno about you guys but i've never seen it before, nor have i seen the watches theyre selling. So now i'm really tempted to get one since i lost my last watch and love the general geekyness of them. But i cant decide which to get. I only have thin wrists (about 5cm wide max so any watch over 4 would be pushing it and closer to 3 would be more comfortable) which helps to narrow my choice a little.
I've come to the conclusion of:
12-5-9 B,
or EleeNo.

Radio Active Watch is also cool but not out for a while.

EleeNo was the first i liked and it's reasonably priced. But i *love* the look (animation) of thex. And all the watches on there are generally cool.

How many of you guys have seen the site before? Anyone used it? Which did you buy? What preferences do people have over my pick and/or any of the rest?


  • What happened to clock-faced watches?
  • theyre *so* 1900's. Though some of the ones on there are basically clock face (check the sundial ones)
  • edited December 2005
    Solsuno, motherfuckers.


    *note: their website absolutely sucks
  • Fossil do some interesting designs.

    Especially the Phillipe Starck collection.

    I got this one.
  • edited December 2005
    Yeah, i like fossil watches too. BUT you can buy them in shops. Dont get me wrong, they (along with storm and the rest) are great watches, but i like that the tokyoflash ones i've never seen before and cant be bought round here.

    That said, this is quite interesting
  • edited December 2005
    That latest one is something I'd go for. It's more natural. As far as the other ones... I can picture myself, personally, being asked for the time and then staring at the watch trying to figure out what it says. That could be awkward.
  • edited December 2005
    I would get a Vanilla watch.. just a simple time piece without all the bling and hickery.

    Oh and this is the one I got some year or so ago (the background is tad different, might have changed some time ago).
  • I hear you mini, those tokyo ones are pretty cool. The one you've linked to was on my possible list but I decided against it.

    I like the one you got Kosmo. Very nice.
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