[SOLVED] Voting plugin CSS

cdavidcdavid New
edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Dear all,

The changelog for the Voting plugin says;
1.0.2b: The plugin will now take a voting.css from the theme if it is present.
but I have tried putting in the /themes/EmbedFriendly/design/voting.css, but nothing magic happens.

@Todd any help on this? Or should I just adjust the voting.css in the Voting plugin and hope for the best when an update comes?




  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Blarg! And I had fixed that bug and forgot to uploaded it. Check version 1.0.3b up now. Sorry dude.
  • Thought so. Works like a charm!

    Thanks a lot,

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