Are you using a host or your own machine? If you are using your own machine, deleting php-mail (or whatever the name is) should disable all e-mail notifications. Kind of a brute force, but it should work.
Hmm... oki. What happens if you tweak Dashboard -> Outgoing email? 1) either delete the outoging e-mail address 2) use SMTP server and send it to some bogus server. 3) I'm looking at the code now, trying to find where the e-mails are sent from
1) either delete the outoging e-mail address
2) use SMTP server and send it to some bogus server.
3) I'm looking at the code now, trying to find where the e-mails are sent from
if($EventName != ''){ $this->EventArguments['EventName'] = $EventName; $this->FireEvent('SendMail'); }
line 194 in library/core/ -- maybe this helps...