Hi, some help needed
Hi, I have a couple of problems using this software...
When the admin is approving a new user the following error is shown...
A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
Technical information (for support personel):
Error Message: An error occurred while sending the email.
Affected Elements: Email.Send();
The user becomes active none the less but the notification isnt sent...any suggestions?
also, even though I have set correct permissions for vanilla/appg/settings.php (666) I get the following error when I try update a variable like admin email address:
Some problems were encountered
The file could not be opened. Please make sure that PHP has write access to the d:\inetpub\dublinsingersongwriter\vanilla/appg/settings.php file.
any help appreciated.
heres the contents of settings.php maybe someone will spot something:
* Copyright 2003 - 2005 Mark O'Sullivan
* This file is part of Vanilla.
* Vanilla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Vanilla; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* The latest source code for Vanilla is available at www.lussumo.com
* Contact Mark O'Sullivan at mark [at] lussumo [dot] com
* Description: Global application constants
// Database Settings
define("dbHOST", "**************************");
define("dbNAME", "****");
define("dbUSER", "******");
define("dbPASSWORD", "******");
// Path Settings
define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "d:\inetpub\dublinsingersongwriter\vanilla/");
define("sgLIBRARY", agAPPLICATION_PATH."library/");
define("agEXTENSIONS", agAPPLICATION_PATH."extensions/");
define("agLANGUAGES", agAPPLICATION_PATH."languages/");
// Application Settings
define("agAPPLICATION_TITLE", "www.DublinSingerSongwriters.com");
define("agBANNER_TITLE", ".:: Dublin and Cork Singersongwriter.com :: Forum ::.");
define("agDEFAULT_STYLE", "styles/vanilla/");
define("agDOMAIN", "www.dublinsingersongwriters.com/vanilla");
define("agSAFE_REDIRECT", "signin.php?PageAction=SignOut");
define("agDISCUSSIONS_PER_PAGE", "30");
define("agDISCUSSIONS_PER_FEED", "20");
define("agCOMMENTS_PER_PAGE", "50");
define("agSEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE", "30");
define("agCOOKIE_DOMAIN", "www.dublinsingersongwriters.com");
define("agSUPPORT_EMAIL", "ger@dublinsingersongwriters.com");
define("agSUPPORT_NAME", "Support");
define("agALLOW_NAME_CHANGE", "1");
define("agPUBLIC_BROWSING", "0");
define("agUSE_CATEGORIES", "1");
define("agLOG_ALL_IPS", "0");
// Panel Settings
define("agPANEL_BOOKMARK_COUNT", "20");
define("agPANEL_PRIVATE_COUNT", "5");
define("agPANEL_HISTORY_COUNT", "5");
define("agPANEL_SEARCH_COUNT", "20");
// Discussion Settings
define("agMAX_COMMENT_LENGTH", "5000");
define("agMAX_TOPIC_WORD_LENGTH", "45");
define("agCOMMENT_POST_THRESHOLD", "5");
define("agCOMMENT_TIME_THRESHOLD", "60");
define("agTEXT_WHISPERED", "Private");
define("agTEXT_STICKY", "Sticky");
define("agTEXT_CLOSED", "Closed");
define("agTEXT_HIDDEN", "Hidden");
define("agTEXT_BOOKMARKED", "");
define("agTEXT_PREFIX", "[");
define("agTEXT_SUFFIX", "]");
// String Formatting Settings
define("agDEFAULTSTRINGFORMAT", "Text");
// Application Mode Constants
define("agMODE_DEBUG", "DEBUG");
define("agMODE_RELEASE", "RELEASE");
define("agMODE_UPGRADE", "UPGRADE");
// Registration settings
define("agDEFAULT_ROLE", "0");
define("agALLOW_IMMEDIATE_ACCESS", "0");
define("agAPPROVAL_ROLE", "3");
// Application version - Don't change this value or you may have
// problems upgrading later.
define("agVANILLA_VERSION", "");
// Note: Vanilla included some extremely important security patches.
// If you do not have this version installed, we highly recommend that you replace your old vanilla
// files with this version. It is okay to leave all files in the appg folder as they are.
This discussion has been closed.
You can also do some work in Vanilla to find out exactly what the error you are encountering is. I would actually recommend doing this first just in case it is a vanilla problem.
Here is what you can do:
Open up library/Utility.Email.class.php and scroll down to line 149.
That is the line where php's mail function is called to send out any mails going out of Vanilla. You'll notice that there is an '@' symbol in front of the "mail" function call, like this:
if (!@mail($this->Recipients[0]["Email"], $this->Subject, $Message, $Header)) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email.");
That "@" symbol is actually preventing the real errors from barfing onto your screen. If you remove it and then attempt to approve a user, you will see the actual php error spat out. If you copy and paste that in here, we can verify that our assumptions are correct, or not. Oh, and don't worry about the user not being approved, I've coded it so that the approval process is handled first, and emails are handled second - for precisely this reason.
As for your global application settings form woes, I'd still say that it is a permissions problem. Who is the owner and group for those files? If I were you I'd switch it over to the www-data:www-data user:group. That way you are guaranteed that php will have permission to access the file. This assumes that you're running debian (on Debian, the apache user/group is www-data. It might be something else on a different system).
He's running IIS on Windows.
If you have an smtp server that they've told you to use, you can fix it by opening up your appg/settings.php file and adding this line in there somewhere:
ini_set("SMTP", "your.smtp.server");
The other one is a toughie as well. You can take the same route as the email error and uncomment the @ symbol in front of where the file is being accessed in the code to see what the actual error is.
library/Utility.Constant.class.php line 137
$FileHandle = @fopen($File, "wb");
$FileHandle = fopen($File, "wb");