Syntax highlighting of attached files (especially diffs).

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It'd have to be deveoped to nicely interface with the attachment module but.. Having an extension to provide silvercity and/or enscript highlighting for attachments would be damn-fine. I'm using trac for managment of an osticket extension -- and it's great to view diffs but it's format isn't very conducive to discussion -- so I'm using vanilla for a forum. trac highlighting info: diff highlighting example:


  • ehrmm, what?
  • Is it really that unintelligible? Syntax highlighting of attachments, specifically, unified diffs.
  • To be honest i dont really understand either. I havent used the attatchment extension but i assumed it just uploaded a file to the server which other members could download? Does it actually display the full file? Cause that could get silly.
  • edited December 2005

    Am I really this bad at communicating? =/

    Plain 'n Simple:
    I envision an extension that works in conjuction with the attachment extension to provides optional highlighting of source code and other related file formats.

    - fixtags.diff view highlighted

    Imagine that second link appearing after the primary attachment link in :

    /me wonders if he needs to mock it up in gimp..

  • I understand this perfectly. I don't think you could do it without fiddling with the attachment extension though.
  • Ahh, well in this case, yes. If you build it, they will use.
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