Remove Captcha from Mobile Signup

RaizeRaize ✭✭
edited December 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
It's very hard for new members to signup to the forum when they are on a mobile device, due mainly to the recaptcha image. It's easy to use and it works on desktop, but it isn't so easy to plug in the characters when you are on a mobile device with less screen space. Is there any way to disable it completely? I'm not really worried about spam originating from mobile devices


  • Captcha can be disabled if you edit in conf/config.php:
    $Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['Method'] = 'Basic'; Then ALL users can register without Captcha.

    In general, I think that there is no way around this because once you enable no Captcha for some users (mobile users), everybody can alter their headers (User-Agent) that they send such that they look as mobile users even though they are not and can register with 999999999 accounts in 1 second, taking your server down.

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