Remove RSS

I maintain a Vanilla 2 forum and I recently found out the RSS feed was using something like 20% of my hosting resources. It is actually putting us way over our usage where we might incur fees. I'm looking for a way to disable or remove the RSS feed. I searched around on here and github, but I didn't see any threads about this.

I found the following in class.discussionscontroller.php, but there are references in other controller files as well.

$this->Title(T('All Discussions')); if ($this->Head) $this->Head->AddRss(Url('/discussions/feed.rss', TRUE), $this->Head->Title());

Can I add something like $Configuration['Vanilla']['AddRSS']['Use'] = FALSE; to my config.php to remove the feed from all views?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    RSS is currently not served any differently than our other content. If you really really want to turn it off, try adding exit(); on line 428 of library/core/class.dispatcher.php:

    switch ($Request->OutputFormat()) { case 'rss': exit(); $this->_SyndicationMethod = SYNDICATION_RSS; break;

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Thanks Tim, I'm not really sure why the feed is being an issue like this. Is Vanilla content cached?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    It isn't, no.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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