Vanilla/lussumo randomely gives up working

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does this ever happen for anyone else? I dunno if it's a pc thing, browser thing, connection thing, lussumo thing, or vanilla thing. When i'm doing something if i give it a lot of 'instructions' (i.e. i click discussions then decide i want to start a new discussion so click that then realise i wanted to see categories, or something along those lines) it just bums out. leave it aslong as i like and it'l just sit with the progress bar doing nothing. Click something else and it just ignores me. I'm leaning towards it being a browser issue, just wondered if anyone had any light to shed my way.


  • Could most likely be a server/browser thing, you're probably seen by either your browser or server as attempting to spam too many instructions, so like any good program, it's gonna stop you for a minute before allowing you to pass another.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've never had that happen before on any site or in any browser. I'm pretty sure you are a warlock.
  • That's kinda weird, does it happen on any other sites for you? I've never had any problems though.
  • i dunno, i dont tend to chuck tons of instructions at many other sites. I'll stick with browser then. Nevermind.
  • for the record though, there was a brief window (about 5 minutes) where lussumo was unreachable yesterday. I assume either there was an update in progress or something else was going on. No biggie tho.
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