Simply can't preview nor apply theme

edited December 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

This is sort of a... undetailed question since I really have no idea whats going on.
This is the first theme i've tried previewing, but when i hit the preview key and it refreshes. It just says "Bonk
Something funky happened. Please bear with us while we iron out the kinks." The standard error message. I can't seem to find out why I can only use the default one? Is it my server settings?


  • So, if you are not running a live version (that has actual users), you can go in conf/config.php and make one of the lines look like this:
    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';

    which enables a developer mode so that we can see what actually happens that you get the error.

    Then repeat the process and get back to us with the error message. If you are running live, replace the code you edited back to the initial state.


  • Thanks!
    I did what you said and i found out my Smary directory wasn't writeable. Now it works like a charm
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