Detailed 0.9.3 Notes

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've added a more detailed explanation of how to upgrade to vanilla 0.9.3 to the repository. Quite a few changes were made to the setup of the repository today, and they are all documented in the upgrade-notes.txt file. Be sure to read it next time you update. If you're interested in just reading the document before upgrading, you can do so here:


  • You got rid of the default "douchebag" role? :D
  • the douchebag role is more of an inside joke than one designated for public release. It could be kinda funny, though.
  • the douchebag role goes a few years back :) sad to see it go :(
  • the ol db icon shall live on though
  • I had to do a couple other things not in the upgrade notes. I had to add an "Unauthenticated" column to the User table. Also, I think the column in the Role table should be "Unauthenticated", not "UnAuthenticated".
  • For simplicity and clarity sake, lets just say "unauthorized" :D
  • 0.9.3 is live :o
  • That would explain why my theme was screwed for a bit. I don't know if Mark changed it or if it was me putting SetStyle('1', ''); at the end of addres bar doing it.

    I'm assuming the former. Either way, I'm really starting to dig this new style.
  • edited January 2006
    I dont really like it compared to the darker ones but thats just me. I want mini vanilli!
  • I've been trying to get that going for a while by changing it to my custom style but to no avail. Soon I hope.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I just set everyone to the default style - hopefully that will solve all of your style problems.
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