I'm dreaming of a white 27th December

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • 1cm of snow and -12 degree Celsius here (which equals 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit) :)
  • we have a couple of cm and it's about -1 according to my car. N.B Driving in snow is both scary and very fun.
  • I was pissed when I woke up this morning to see Snow. I had to drive home today. Why couldn't it be a work day?

    Still, when I got home the dog was enjoying herself.
  • A few cm of snow and -8ºC to -10ºC I think, here near Oslo, Norway. We had a white christmas! (unlike last year) :D
  • The weather isn't the nicest here in southern Finland right now. Christmas eve was a mess compared to the perfect winter weather we had a couple of days before it (5-10 cm of snow and between -5ºC and -10ºC). I usually hate winter, but sometimes it can be enjoyable.
  • edited December 2005
    hmm. had enough snow settle here to make a 7ft cock. that was fun.
  • And here I was hoping for a large snow-chicken.
  • 40F / 4C this morning and foggy as hell around Chicagoland. It's one hell of a warm winter compared to what the temperatures are usually at this time of year.
  • That's a large cock.
  • Thanks :-D The situation is kinda strange here.. It's really cold but there's still snow coming from the sky. When it comes to the ground it immediately freezes which makes it damn slippery all over the place. I guess this day is THE day.. I'll get my 2000 Audi TT Quattro out of the garage to some snow action ;-)
  • Hah, if you do take plenty of care. It's incredible fun but insanely dangerous on public roads.
  • I don't do it on public roads :-)
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