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edited December 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
To fix the random member and Limit number of users:
Change line 32+:
$this->Users = $SQL
->Join('UserRole r','u.UserID = r.UserID')
$this->Users = $SQL
->Join('UserRole r','u.UserID = r.UserID')



  • hi andrew, how come only one user is being displayed in the member box? pls see

    i tried to print_r the returned row values but only admin is really being fetched? but if i enable the photo, all three members are shown?
  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    edited December 2010
    ok i got the the answer, it's on the setting, i have to tick " Show users that don't have a photo" sorry for my ignorance.
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