comments for non-members

Wow, this is some kick-butt software going on here. I've installed and set it up, and I'm testing it out right now for a website that I'm starting. But I have one thing specific in mind that I'm not sure how to set up Vanilla to do. I need a more "blog" style formatt, where individual users will post their artwork (this is a forum for professional artists that are just getting into the industry) and then members and non-members alike can comment on their work in a pop-up window or something similar, perhaps just a little box underneath their post. Really I just need something that has all the artworked displayed going down one page, and then people (anyone) can comment on their work close by. Is Vanilla capable of doing this easily? I'm not a good enough programmer to rewrite any code. Is there something that would be better? Thanks for any help and suggestions. I also am testing Filebrowser and I think it's sweet. Props to Mark for an awesome job. Cheers


  • Posting for non-members and setting it up so guests can post will become much easier in the next revision. If you're running the current stable build you can just create a "guest" account with the password "guest" as well and manage it from there. If there's something I've overlooked, I'm certain mark or someone else could give a more thorough explanation on how to lock down that account as I've never had to do it before.
  • "Posting for non-members and setting it up so guests can post will become much easier in the next revision"
    Says who?

    "If there's something I've overlooked, I'm certain mark or someone else could give a more thorough explanation on how to lock down that account as I've never had to do it before."
    Load the Guest Limiter extension.
  • Bergamot, I could have sworn that on the dev forum mark or someone else mentioned this, meaning if you create a guest account you can lock it down.
  • edited December 2005
    Well "locking it down" means two things.

    First, the guest account needs to be assigned a low-privileged role. This is pretty easy, though you may need to make a new role if none of yours fit.

    Second, you need to make sure nobody changes the guest account's password, which is what the Guest Limiter extension does.

    Guests *can* post if you give them posting privs, but to my knowledge there is no extension that logs guest in by default.
  • Yeah, that's close enough.
  • Well the only problem is that new users never know about the guest account.
  • Well, since IP logging (be it optional) is available, it would be wise to know who's logging in on said guest account to prevent spammers etc. It also makes sense to even have guests log in even as "guest/guest" just so they can familiarize themselves with the system. Perhaps in the next or later revisions, it could be possible to have a sign-in form where the username appears after logging in.
  • "Well, since IP logging (be it optional) is available, it would be wise to know who's logging in on said guest account to prevent spammers etc."

    The IP logger puts the IP next to each post. If someone is spamming, it's pretty easy to block an IP.

    "It also makes sense to even have guests log in even as "guest/guest" just so they can familiarize themselves with the system."

    I disagree.
  • I can't be that hard to make an auto-login extension though. The only problem I see is that the guest account needs a link to the register form.
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