Ignore/Hide folders

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I love Filebrowser and have been using it as an alternative way to view photos served up with SlideShowPro (Flash photo viewer). Filebrowser makes a great photoviewer for those without Flash. I simply put Filebrowser in the SlideShowPro's album directory and that's that! But...Slideshowpro mandates the following directory structure: /albums /albums/album_name/ /albums/album_name/tn (for thumbnails) /albums/album_name/lg (for full-size images). Is there anyway Filebrowser can add the option to ignore folders? I could then set Filebrowser to hide the thumbnail folders. Better yet, if it could both ignore the "tn" folder AND be setup to auto-forward to a folder's "lg" subdirectory (though that's probably much more difficult). Thanks again for Filebrowser!
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