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Cant figure this out...latest version

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in /home/????/public_html/?????.com/conf/config-defaults.php on line 16

Can someone help me install this?
My webhost says PDO is installed and latest version of PHP

edit: also I dont have a config.php file in conf/ could that be the problem?
when I downloaded the zip from the
did that download the updated fixed files? or do I have to manually download all those files in that link even after the zip?


  • any help would be appreciated
    (yes, I have searched this community for answers)
    as said above the host stated to me that PDO is installed and enabled and that I have priv all the files necessary and still cannot figure out why this PDO error shows up
    is there a fix? and how come the zip file does not include config.php? do I need it? and where cna I download that file
  • Can you make a script that reads:
    <?php phpinfo(); ?>
    in your website and point the browser to it? Then start looking for PDO there.

    Regarding the conf/config.php, it is generated based on conf-defaults. php as some sort of a diff (only the variables that are different are stored there) when creating the website, based on your settings.

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