Tis thy grand book topic

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
As the name implies, I want to hear some suggestions on books to read on subject you know something about. What books taught you something valuable and what books didn't just cut it. What books have the permanent place on your table as the definitive reference material. To be a good example me and bitey are going to recommend the "Designing with web standards by Jeffrey Zeldman" for everyone thinking of taking the leap from old style to CSS and standards, the book does a good job explaining why the new way beats old ways ass and the book scratches the frightening web 2.0 surface with a chapter of DOM scripting. And a book I'm waiting for is the Andy Budd, Simon Collison and Cameron Moll book "CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions" which seems hawt. Then for all you old school graphic designers (come on guys, I can't be the only one) the best book ever written by man, called "Logo Font & Lettering Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to the Design, Construction and Usage of Alphabets and Symbols" by the god himself Lesilie Cabarga. And then the nobrainer for RoR programmer "Agile Web Development With Rails" But now it is your turn to recommend books, I'd like to find a good PHP book, it has been around good few years since I programmed with PHP so my skills are bit rusty.


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006

    Grid Systems in Graphic Design Josef Muller-Brockmann

  • Code, by Charles Petzold Programming Windows, by Charles Petzold
  • About Face, By Alan Cooper.

    I can't speak for the new edition, but the original was the kind of book that you bought 10 copies of so you'd have one in every room of your house.
  • Off the 'useful reference' topic, but still a book i loved recently was the da vinci code - someone got me a copy for christmas and i'd finished it 2 days later. Fuckin awesome read.
  • respect_for_minisweeper--;
  • edited January 2006
    Da Vinci Code was like the only book I read and enjoyed after getting older than 12. Good read. I'm reading PHP and MySQL Web Development 3rd Edition By Luke Welling and Laura Thomson now. Can't say as it's the most griping book I've ever picked up, but it gets the job done. I'd be happy to share a little of the included PDF Book (whole book) to see if it's the kind of book you want.
  • I love history, so anything from Stephen Ambrose is great. He tells history like a story. So many first hand accounts and amazing details really bring things alive. Read "Citizen Soldiers" or "D-Day" to start out - both are great. Another great (and shorter) one is "Band of Brothers" about the 101st Airborne. HBO actually did a whole series based on that book and it was very well done. As far as computer/tech books, check out "The Pragmatic Programmer" - excellent resource for programming and design techniques and best practices. I'm also reading a lot of Karl Weigers work on requirements engineering, its all pretty good stuff.
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