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database.php not found

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
says database.php is missing?


  • I wouldn't use this plugin. It creates its own database file storing the details and doesn't use any of the built in sql class. Jquery is also used by vanilla so its probably best to use it in the plugin. The plugin also doesn't work as the javascript requests go to the wrong url.

    Not entirely sure why you get the database details from the current config file and then write them to a new file, you already just got the values. If the author doesn't mind i may rewrite this at some point.
  • Manishblogs: Your plugin folder is not writeable by the user who runs the webserver,
    Like garymardell said, it (has to) create a an own database file.
    If your running a linux server, and the apache user is www-data, do the following:
    cd (yorVanillaDir)
    chmod -R 770 plugins/Van2Chat
    chown -R www-data plugins/Van2Chat
    chgrp -R www-data plugins/Van2Chat
    This should fix the problem.

    Yes, it uses vanillas sql functions ( C('Database.Name') etc. ), but since text.php
    (the file accessed by the ajax query) cant use these functions, i have to create the database.php.

    Since this is my first plugin, and im not very familar with Vanillas plugin system, maybe you can help to remove the database.php?

    I'll have a look at the ajax query...

    Thanks for feedback, Caerostris
  • Sorry, i just noticed a few bugs... im on it.
    Plugin currently doesnt work in subdirectories.
  • Ok, bug fixed, suburls work now.
  • Sorry, version was damaged again.
    This version is working, really.

    The only thing i have to fix is the database.php, but its working!
  • Ok, i was able to remove the database.php file, so everyone who got an older version of Van2Chat working, please update! (See readme)
  • I'm getting the following error after I enable:

    403 Permission Denied
    You do not have permission for this request /plugins/Van2Chat/text.php
  • Seems like ypur webserver (usually apache or IIS)
    is wrong configured or (if your using linux), you didnt chown/chmod the file correct..

    If you use ubuntu as server OS:
    Go to the installation folder of vanilla (mine is /var/www/vanilla-forum)

    cd plugins
    chmod -R 770 Van2Chat
    chgrp -R www-data Van2Chat
    chown -R www-data Van2Chat

    (www-data is the user which runs apache2, your apache2 user could be diffrent)
    If this doesnt work, please send a screenshot to


    I put together some useful snippets that may be useful. I may split them up and do some proper snippets, spending more time on them.
  • Thanks, you saved me hours of googleing, im currently writing the settings page,and was wondering why it doeant show up in the dashboard... (direct call via url works)
    ==> 'SettingsPermission' ;-)
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