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Question on setting up multiple forums in Garden.

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm currently evaluating Vanilla against my sites needs (Looks really cool so far) and I'm looking for a little clarification on one. We have the need to have two or three separate areas with customized forums. I believe that this could be accomplished by setting up multiple instances of Vanilla in garden. I think there is a db prefix setting somewhere to keep these separate but sharing the same users. Is this an accurate assessment? Does any one have any advice or links on this?

Also is Garden designed to allow for things like the configuration of plugins (on/off and possibly other config options) differently on different instances of the application?

Looking at class.pluginmanager.php I'm starting to thing the plugin segregation can not currently be done.


  • Look like two separate instances of garden and vanilla might be the way to go. Any one know if they can play nicely in the same db? I guess it would need to be propertly using transactions and such...
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