AJAX + form text fields + FF's Find As You Type

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hey guys.. long time haven't been around.. :) This may have already been brought up, but I noticed on swellit.com as well as the login for the forums here, I can't type anything in the login/password box when Begin Finding As You Begin Typing is enabled in Firefox. putting the cursor on either the login text box, password textbox or the swellit.com email box and typing my email address just tries to find words on the page (in other words, Find As You Type is taking over and not recognizing that my cursor is in the text field box). using Firefox 1.5/PC..


  • anybody?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've never even heard of, let alone tried, the "Begin Finding As You Begin Typing" feature. Is that a firefox extension?
  • edited January 2006
    Whoa, I have no idea why FF is doing that. Also, BFWYT is an option enabled in the FF options.
  • lamentlament
    edited January 2006
    no it's not an extension. it's in the prefs. I use it all the time. It's off by default, but it comes in handy. Mark it's not just your site, btw.. this happened on a couple of others. and only recently with FF 1.5.. any ideas?
  • Hey lament, are you tabbing over into the fields/over links, or just planting the cursor there and tapping away? Also what OS is FF running under? I'd like to know if this is a possible bug.
  • I have this option enabled and do not have any trouble logging in.
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