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Maintenance Mode-Plugin: Questions, Comments, Problems

oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Add here your feedback, issues, requests, etc. regarding this plugin.



  • hi,

    i try test this addon , now i have website in Maintenance Mode-Plugin but i don't know how i can access the dashbord for change settings for disable the mode. What can i do? Thanks.
  • @elTorito You have to navigate directly into the Admin area (dashboard). Use the following link:

    In case you have activated "nice" URLs:
    In case you do not have URL Rewrite activated:

    Hope this helps :-)
  • Hi Oliver,

    when i try this, it will forward me to :

    with the same error message: This Site is currently in maintenance mode.
    Please check back here later.


  • Ok, now this is because you are not logged in anymore.

    Deactivate the Plugin manually by removing the according line from the file /config/config.php (it's under "Enabled Plugins").

    Sorry for the troubles caused.
  • Hi Oliver,
    no problem, i want to start a new project and i'm with testing vanilla for look it's something usuable for me . I have deactivated it manually and i can login now. Thanks for your help !
  • SS ✭✭
    Hi, I want to contibute some code to your plugin. How can I do it?
  • I dont want the focus of the site to be forums. Can I use my own login and signin pages and us vanilla without having to login again ? If yes, then coudl you please pointme towards that part of the documentation
  • @S Just post any code recommendations as a reply discussion to the plugin - or if it is a lot of code, you can open a private conversation with me. Unfortunately I do not have the plugin on github.

    @BitFiddler Any feedback is welcome so I can make the plugin more independent to the default vanilla pages.
  • SS ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    Ok. I'll just do decribe with some code.
    1) RequiredApplications, actullay doesnt require Vanilla. Nothing is required. Remove 'RequiredApplications' from $PluginInfo (or set to 'Dashboard').

    2) Site Settings link must be hidden from non-admins.
    Use CheckPermission() function.

    if (CheckPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage'))
    echo Anchor(Wrap(T('Site Settings'), 'small'), 'dashboard/settings');
    Better use GetWebResource() here.
  • I enabled this plugin and the image is showing, however the language is not showing under the image. I checked the locale folder and I can see the language file there, but it's still not showing on my forum when I put in maintanence mode.
  • The words under the Maintenance Photo do not work! but this plugin is nice.Please try to get a nice version :)
  • It could be that there was a code-change in how Plugin locales are managed. As I am still on, I first have to upgrade and look into the issues you guys reported. I'll let you know when I have a fix for it.
  • Hi Oliver,

    when i try this, it will forward me to :

    with the same error message: This Site is currently in maintenance mode.
    Please check back here later.



    1. If you see it problems After sign in, Just bring your page to manually.
    2. Then you will get your dashboard forum

    This is happens because after we login to vanilla forums, it will get us to homepage not to dashboard.
  • I'm not really sure of the approach of hiding the body.

    Really it should be a 503, becuase you want to make sure the search engines know it is maintenance too, and to come back later. You might not want to body to be cached in that state even if hidden.

    Lastly a role should be able to view the whole site.

    grep is your friend.

  • i think that when the site is in maintenance state the admin must have access to the front end of the site (and of course to the back end) it possible?

  • @tempo_vanilla Yes, Version 1.2 of the plugin has fixed/added 2 things: 1) login-page is still reachable, 2) there is a link to the login page when the Maintenance message is being displayed.

    Dunno for the moment, if it still works with the newest release of Vanilla though, because I haven't updated for a short while.

  • In case anyone wants to contribute to this Plugin, you can find it not on GitHub!

    Thanks for your support :)

  • A new version of the Maintenance Mode addon, with compatibility for Vanilla Forums release 3.3, has just been added.

    Full changelog can be found on the plugin's page or in the GitHub repository.

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