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How to translate/modify the fields in this picture???

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Do you know how can I translate the text in red box in below picture ;
1-I'm using emotify plugin...
2-and "Popular" in this picture ;
3-and texts in red box in this picture ;
4-Finally, the color of light blue area (around the banner & over the navigation links)


  • Options
    Qns 1-3 can be changed with definitions from the file:

    Qns 1.
    $Definition['Write Comment'] = 'define here';

    Qns 2.
    $Definition['Popular'] = 'define here';

    Qns 3.
    $Definition['Votes'] = 'Likes';
    $Definition['Follows'] = 'Follow This';
    $Definition['Views'] = 'Looks';
    $Definition['Comments'] = 'Answers';

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    oliverraduneroliverraduner Contributing to Vanilla since 2010 Switzerland ✭✭
    4-Finally, the color of light blue area (around the banner & over the navigation links)
    1. If you not already did this, copy "style.css" from /applications/dashboard/design/ --> /themes/your-theme/design/
    2. Open the copied file (style.css) in an editor application
    3. Search for the line:
      #Head {
    4. Change it's "background:"-value to the desired color
    5. Save & done
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