[Solved] Installation issue with
I'm having trouble completing the installation. The script keeps giving me :
My server is Ubuntu 10.04 with all the prerequisites. The database i've created is accessible with the mysql client and the same credentials I give to the installer. I tried to use the machine's hostname and as the database server without success. I also tried to use the root MySQL user and (temporarily) give full access (777) on all the files in the vanilla path. No errors appear in the php or MySQL logs of the machine. Using the "Install Vanilla without a .htaccess file." option.
I really want to try this forum solution (for the first time) as it looks great but I'm a little frustrated now and I need some help.
Apache : 2.2.14
PHP : 5.3.2
MySQL / PDO_mysql : 5.1.41
Are you sure you've entered the correct database host name? Maybe you mistyped it? The database reported: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '~~Invalid~~' (1)
You must specify the name of the database in which you want to set up Vanilla.
My server is Ubuntu 10.04 with all the prerequisites. The database i've created is accessible with the mysql client and the same credentials I give to the installer. I tried to use the machine's hostname and as the database server without success. I also tried to use the root MySQL user and (temporarily) give full access (777) on all the files in the vanilla path. No errors appear in the php or MySQL logs of the machine. Using the "Install Vanilla without a .htaccess file." option.
I really want to try this forum solution (for the first time) as it looks great but I'm a little frustrated now and I need some help.
Apache : 2.2.14
PHP : 5.3.2
MySQL / PDO_mysql : 5.1.41
Anyway, it works now. Time for some testing. Thanks
I'm running into the same issue you did with the current version of vanilla, I extract the .zip file which put things into vanilla/. I then cp -r ./vanilla/* ./ to get everything running under the root and it's failing. Have the devs looked into this issue at all?
It looks like the option to not require .htaccess is entirely broken. The solution I had was to actually copy over .htaccess despite me not using it since I am on nginx. No idea how that works in the code that not having htaccess causes a MySQL error to show up, but that's what happened.