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Blank screen after embedding vanilla inside a window.addEvent('load'...); using Mootools

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I got a blank screen after embedding vanilla inside a window.addEvent('load'...); using Mootools.
How can I fix that?

thanks in advance,



  • i want to add some information about my workmate question.
    we add the embedder script like this:

    window.addEvent("domready", function(){
    new Element("script", { type: "text/javascript", src: "" }).inject($("middle"), "bottom");

    the page look like this
  • It's more than likely that the included js has it's own bind to window load, if it is inside yours it's one isn't triggered. On window load it will include scripts that require window load event. Just a guess, I can check a bit later.
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