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(SOLVED) How can I post to a particular category and have discussion counts display?

edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Maybe I'm missing something, but I've setup a few categories and they appear just fine on the right hand side of the Embedded Theme. But when I post a New Discussion, there is no option to pick a particular category. I just see:
Discussion Title
Text Box
Options for "Announce" and "Close"
Post Discussion, Save Draft, Preview

AND... after I posted 3 test discussions, the "All Discussions" and all of the categories show "0" and do not reflect the "3" discussions. I also noticed that on my Dashboard statistics page, it shows "0" discussions, even though there are clearly 3 discussions showing.

Is there some setting somewhere that I missed?


  • SOLVED - What I did was turn categories off, then turned them back on again. Now the categories appear as a selector when posting a new discussion, and the categories display the correct number of associated discussions.
  • @jcmilton in which dashboard page did you turn categories off and on in? I'm having this issue, but am not able to clear it.
  • disregard....I got it working.... sorry...
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