How do I get 0.9.3 without svn?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have absolutely no idea what svn is, and I don't understand what all the server trunk things mean.
So is there any where I can get a simple .zip file of the latest version?


  • SVN is a version control system. I can export it for you, rar it, and mail it to you.
  • Thankyou very much
  • if you're on windows, you should check out for all your basic svn needs.
  • I second that. I'd never used it before but it's really as simple as installing it. Getting the link (which Mark gives in the sticky) then right clicking the folder you want it in and saying here (I've uninstalled it so I can't remember the correct terminology.)
  • SpookyET I'd really appreciate it if you would email the rar to me as well...
  • Done. Maybe one of you can post it somewhere. I'd appreciate if one of you answer my questions on this forum aswell.
  • edited January 2006
    Thank you spooky: hosted at I'm afraid that I can;t answer your questions: I only discovered and installed Vanilla today... so I'm very much a newbie :)
  • You should have left the date in the filename.
  • giginger: SVN Update :D
  • Any good SVN programs for Mac?
  • Eh, screw it. Can someon re-up it? (it says it failed verification), or email it to me at coopermor [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Someone could mail me that 0.9.3 too?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The application is changing so often (multiple times daily) that it is really not worth your while to install it without subversion.

    With subversion you can just periodically do an "svn update" and get all of the latest changes installed automatically. You guys really don't know what you're missing.
  • mark, I have some problem with Vanilla on my server and that's why I only need a little update which might help me out. Vanilla automatically sees , however in this way Vanilla cannot work properly. (don't know why yet, maybe that runs php in safemode worrying about a possible hacker attack) However if I paste, then it works properly or it can work prop. too if I wrote a "index.php" into here comes index.php and for example: ?CategoryID=1 Link: What can I do with it? Vanilla would be use as an extension to my blog so it is not so important for me to be secured and these things. I only need a little, not a typical forum like phpBB, that's all.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's an apache configuration issue.
    It's treating the folder "vanilla" like it is a file and attempting to load a control file based on the folder name instead of the filename (which, in this case, should be "index.php").

    I've seen this bug before, and there is a fix on the forum. I'll see if I can track it down for you.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here it is:
  • The simpliest way to solve my problem would be a little help from someone who can explain me how can I put an 'index.php' into my links in Vanilla.
  • thx mark, I will try it.
  • it is working...
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