Well, I dont think there is any extension to handle phpBB-like quotes out there... so could someone tell me how to rewrite a regex for handling this?
Looking at the BBcode-extensions i simply had to add a line for handling quote-tags, shouldnt be that difficult. But I'm a real dumb in writing regex's, so I need some help with this :-)
[php] $String = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/","<blockquote>$1</blockquote>",$String);[/php]
this is what i have for now... this handles simple [ quote ] [ /quote ] style tagging and it works. but in phpBB there are quotes like [ quote:678346783165478 ] [ /quote ] (remove the spaces, iek) and i dont know how to change it to work with this.
for those who ask why i need phpbb quotes: i migrated from my old phpbb and have thousands of quotes w/ this style in our postings, that i would like to "work" again.
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preg_replace("/\\[([\\w_]+):\\d+\\]/", '[\\\\1]', $String);
Or something along those lines...
EDIT: mark, something's up with the stripslashes() again.