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Can't get nested categories to work (SQL Error)

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
First I could not get it to work on my test upgrade, so I tried a new install.
Tried connected to a blank database schema. Created a new category c1. Created a new category c1.1.
Tried to place c1.1 under c1.
It tries to run
update GDN_Category Category set
TreeLeft = :TreeLeft,
TreeRight = :TreeRight,
Depth = :Depth,
Sort = :Sort,
ParentCategoryID = :ParentCategoryID,
PermissionCategoryID = :PermissionCategoryID
where CategoryID = :CategoryID

with the data
_NamedParameters Array [7]
:TreeLeft 1
:TreeRight 8
:Depth 0
:Sort 1
:ParentCategoryID none
:PermissionCategoryID -1
:CategoryID -1

and returns a
Incorrect integer value: 'none' for column 'ParentCategoryID' at row 1|Gdn_Database|Query|update GDN_Category Category set
TreeLeft = :TreeLeft,
TreeRight = :TreeRight,
Depth = :Depth,
Sort = :Sort,
ParentCategoryID = :ParentCategoryID,
PermissionCategoryID = :PermissionCategoryID
where CategoryID = :CategoryID

Bug or am I doing something wrong?


  • This data in your update information:
    :ParentCategoryID none
    Returns an incorrect integer value:
    Incorrect integer value: 'none' for column 'ParentCategoryID' at row 1
    That means that :ParentCategoryID cannot be a string, but it has to be an integer number. If parent category is none, then make it 0 and see what happens.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • It is a bug. Jquery returns "none" when the db wants a null.
    Added a pull request with the addition to the category model at line 456
    else if ($ParentCategoryID == 'none')
    $ParentCategoryID = null;
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