When editing the Common.Controls.php, my forum crash.

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
As the discussion is named, every time I add something to Common.Controls.php, my forum crashes. It's just because I want to have a graphical logo, instead of the text, and I want it to be a link. That can't be accomplished with CSS, so therefore I need to edit Common.Controls.php. If anyone wonders, it's on line 417 (in controls/Common.Controls.php) So, how can I have a logo instead of the agBANNER? Oh, my forum: http://www.inspirationking.com/forum/


  • You can add an image via CSS. #foo:after { content: url("http://www.example.com/image.png"); } or #foo:before { content: url("http://www.example.com/image.png"); } It's a CSS2 property - it won't work in IE so you will need to find another method. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#content
  • But I would really like to have it in the html. Thanks anyway :) It needs to have an alt tag :)
  • What version are you on? I guess it'd be much easier and better to do it using a template assuming you're on 0.9.3. If you're not...wait :)
  • Lussumo Vanilla ( Copyright © 2001-2005 ;)
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